Our Insurance experts help organizations of all sizes maximize cost saving opportunities for all types of insurance.
With these proven methods and innovative solutions, we teach organizations how to spend their money smarter leading to a significant increase in cash flow while also providing NO-COST donations.
Benefits include:
Save 10% to 60% on insurance costs (98% Success Rate)
Reduce risk of high-cost ineligible claim
No upfront cost with no-cost coverage improvements
Keeping your current broker is always an option
NO-COST donations at NO-COST to the organization or donors
It is estimated that upwards of 10% of the average employer’s healthcare costs may be going towards individuals who are ineligible for coverage.
We customize the verification process to help companies of all sizes maximize their healthcare spend. Our team of experts has over 15 years of experience working with countless Fortune 500 companies. We understand the unique verification needs from business to business and are continually evolving to ensure those needs are being well taken care of.
This certified Preventative Care Program reduces both the employer’s and employee’s health care costs and expenditures.
Employees are looking for sources to fund financial emergencies as well as enhancing their retirements. The federal government has made available a program to do just that. No salary reduction for your employees and no cost to employers, all paid for through tax savings.
This model is based on existing IRS regulations and requirements. Available to companies of all sizes.
You may be eligible for past, present and future insurance savings. Our team of experts specializes in no-cost coverage improvements and finding errors on all Insurance including group health, workers comp, liability, property and D&O. Your organization could very well qualify for additional coverage and savings. Many times, contacting your broker leaves significant dollars on the table and in the pockets of the insurance companies. Using an independent party ensures you’re not spending more than you should on your insurance costs.
Our team performs an extensive review identifying errors, coverage improvements and saving opportunities. All reviews handle the appropriate paperwork, contacting each insurance provider and filing the necessary paperwork to secure all insurance improvements.
Verify the A.M. Best® Ratings. Our industry expert is the recognized leader in providing innovative supplier risk assessment programs and digital insurance verification that assist companies to reduce exposure to global business risk and liability.
They have built live data integrations between the companies providing proof of insurance giving clients access to real-time verification of insurance and compliance.