You may be eligible for past, present and future insurance savings. Our team of experts specializes in no-cost coverage improvements and finding errors on all Insurance including group health, workers comp, liability, property and D&O. Your organization could very well qualify for additional coverage and savings. Many times, contacting your broker leaves significant dollars on the table and in the pockets of the insurance companies. Using an independent party ensures you’re not spending more than you should on your insurance costs.
Our team performs an extensive review identifying errors, coverage improvements and saving opportunities. All reviews handle the appropriate paperwork, contacting each insurance provider and filing the necessary paperwork to secure all insurance improvements.
Benefits include:
Save 10% to 60% on premiums
98% success rate
No upfront cost with no-cost coverage improvements
Keeping your current broker is always an option
Less than two hours of your time
100% effective and measurable
Without changing agent or carriers - we never become your agent.
We know how the insurance game is played and we’re in the business of leveling the playing field by negotiating on your behalf. Our average savings per business is 35%, and we’ve even saved clients as much as 74% on business insurance costs.